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Let There Be: And There Was

“And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.”
This wasn’t just creation – it was imagination manifested through words.

You see, these days we measure everything by numbers, spreadsheets, and profit margins.
We’ve forgotten that true value often begins with something that can’t be measured –

Let me share what I’ve discovered standing at the intersection of poetry and purpose for over a
decade: the highest form of value creation begins in that sacred space between divine
inspiration and courageous manifestation.

Think about this with me:
Before the skyscraper, there was a dream.
Before the music, there was silence pregnant with possibility.
Before the masterpiece, there was a blank canvas whispering “what if?”

I remember way back, when many things I do now were just flutters in my spirit. Just a
knowing, a possibility, a seed waiting to be watered with my words. But here’s the revolution
that transforms mere dreaming into divine creation: the audacity to speak your imagination
into existence. Say it! Name it!

Your imagination isn’t some frivolous luxury – it’s your direct line to divine creativity. It’s the
space where God partners with you to birth new realities. Consider this: you’re not just thinking
thoughts; you’re conceiving worlds.

But here’s what keeps me up at night, writing poems in the dark:
How many world-changing ideas are trapped in brilliant minds?
How many solutions lie dormant in sacred imaginations?
How many transformations are waiting in the wings?
All because someone was told their dreams weren’t “practical” enough?

Let me speak this truth over you:
The practical world was built by impractical dreamers.
The possible was birthed from the seemingly impossible.
The normal was once someone’s crazy imagination.

Your imagination is not your escape from reality
It’s your toolkit for creating new realities
Your dreams are not distractions
They’re divine blueprints waiting for your voice.

I’ve witnessed poetry transform corporate strategies into human stories

Seen creative ministry build bridges between broken worlds
Watched imagination heal wounds that logic couldn’t touch
Because value creation at its highest level isn’t about replicating what exists
It’s about revealing what could be

It’s about standing in that divine space of possibility
Having the audacity to say, “Let there be…”
And the courage to keep speaking
Until your words become worlds.

At this point in this article I’m just speaking in tongues as I write.

Today, I dare you:
Open that journal gathering dust
Speak that idea you’ve been nursing
Share that vision you’ve been hiding
Let your imagination run wild and see what God will do with you.

Because the world doesn’t need more copies of what already exists
It needs more creators brave enough to imagine what could be
It needs more visionaries willing to speak new worlds into being
It needs you, in all your weirdness (I still tell myself this)

What will you speak into existence today?

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