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The Woman You’ve Been Waiting For

Today’s post is for women. It’s a poem I wrote when I was at rock bottom. Over the years in my work, I’ve seen women hit this low point time and time again. We try to fill the void – we shop, we cut our hair, we redecorate our spaces. But what I really needed then, what we all need, is to recognize that we are ‘crush worthy.’ That we can be our own woman crush.

Poem- The Woman You’ve Been Waiting For

Girl, muster courage,
Get in the arena of life,
And bring out the woman you’ve longed to see.
You are the “woman crush”
You’ve been waiting for,
Though your hands stay folded
In this open prison of your making.

I’ve seen you In mirrors of doubt,
In shadows of fear,
In corporate corridors,
Swallowing your voice like bitter pills.
In kitchen corners at midnight,
Eating shame with that secret chocolate.
In dressing rooms with size tags
That somehow define your worth,
In valleys of almost-there,
Where dreams go to hibernate.

Get up! Apply your heart to wisdom
And end this pity party now.
No force would create a life
You cannot rise to claim.
So pull the potential out of you,
Let’s be terrific, reach
Beyond what breaks you.
Let’s be specific, aim
Higher than what shakes you.
I am here waiting, watching,
As you remember who you are:
Daughter of kings,
Mother to possibilities unborn
You cannot worship the heroes
In other women’s stories,
While your own legend waits,
Unwritten, untold, unlived

Girl, I’m not just waiting—
I’m witnessing your rising.
You are who you’ve been looking for.
Take your crown
Take your flowers
Be your woman crush on Wednesday,
Thursday, and every given day.
Because you are the one
You’ve been waiting for.
Not someday, not one day,
But right here, right now.
Get up!

With love,
The woman you became when you finally believed.

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