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Soul Mirror

When the noise fades and we’re left with nothing but truth – both beautiful and uncomfortable. It’s at that moment when your soul holds up a mirror, and for once, you don’t look away. Today’s post is a poem, a conversation with my soul when I found time to stop running from me. People look […]

What’s Your Achilles’ Heel?

So there this story about a mighty warrior that was brought down by an arrow to his heel – the one spot his mother missed when dipping him in a magical river as a baby. That’s Achilles, whose story gave us the term “Achilles’ heel.” He was vulnerable at his heel. A person’s Achilles heel […]

Choose your hard

Everything is hard. Success is hard. Mediocrity is hard. The question isn’t whetheryou’ll face difficulty – it’s which difficulty you’ll choose to embrace. “I hate going exercising,” a young girl told me recently. “It’s hard.”“You know what’s harder?” I replied. “living with poor health.” Want to build a business? That’s hard.Want to stay in a […]

Already Enough

On a sunny afternoon, while moving my luggage from campus hostel totown, I found myself wrestling with dissatisfaction about life and manyother things. I was a student then, carrying both physical bags andemotional burdens. As I approached the car park, a voice thundered in my spirit, so audibleit stopped me in my tracks:“I have given […]