Warning: This post contains zero productivity

I once advised a client about practicing scheduled rest during his day, and kind of giving himself a second morning by taking a short nap around noon, this worked so well it boosted his productivity. Today I took a break. Not the kind where you scroll through social media during “me time.” Not the kind […]
Thank You Enemies

“Why can’t we all just be happy for each other?” I once asked my mentor, my voice full of genuine confusion and hope. I believed in a world where everyone could prosper together, where the sky was truly wide enough for all birds to fly. I used to cringe at those people who seemed to […]
Articulate and be free

Several years ago, I ran a blog called ‘lifearticulate’. it was born from a deep conviction that many of us live lives we’ve never fully chosen. Through this blog, I wanted to encourage people to be true to themselves and articulate the kind of life they truly wanted to live. To articulate is to name. […]